What Kind of Videos Should Your Company Create?


Here at Lumeo, our clients often ask us what kinds of videos they should be creating for their company.

The answer?

It all depends on what you’d like videos to do for your business.

The fact is, when it comes to web, animated and explainer videos, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach. What works for one business might not be a good fit for another. That’s why we recommend starting with a sound video strategy, one that includes clear goals and measurable outcomes.

Want to build brand awareness? Hope to improve conversion rates? Need to cut down on your in-service training time?

Professionally-produced corporate videos can help your organisation do all that and more, but only if you match the right kind of videos with the right message, directed to the right audience. The decision to create a video, or series of videos, should always be based on a well-defined strategy that defines who your target audience is, what you’d like your video to convey, and how you can assess the success of your video project or campaign.

A good rule of thumb when choosing to create corporate videos comes from Jodi Harris of the Content Marketing Institute; “Ask yourself if anything about your story would be lost if you tried to tell it without the benefits of visuals and sound.” If so, then an online, web, training or explainer video could be the perfect tool for your messaging.

Here’s some of the many different types of videos that we can create here at Lumeo, and examples of how each type are used.

Company Presentations

If you’ve ever endured a long, boring slide show or a mind-numbing PowerPoint presentation, you’ll appreciate how video is revolutionizing the way companies prepare presentations for employees, stakeholders and sales leads.

Researchers have shown that “visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text“, making corporate videos the perfect medium for delivering large amounts of complex information such as annual reports, white papers, proposals and quarterly reviews.

Using video to deliver your company presentations increases audience engagement, solidifies brand awareness and provides you with a message that can be easily shared through your intraweb, email, social networks and website to connect with both local and international partners.

Customer Testimonial Videos

Consumers today are heavily influenced by online reviews, expert opinions, celebrity endorsements and product ratings, a phenomenon known as ‘social proof‘. In a nutshell, it’s the idea that people are drawn to what’s popular, assuming that if lots of other people like a product or service, it must be great.

Testimonial videos featuring real-life customers can serve as a powerful marketing tool, since the viewers perceive these videos as objective (and therefore, creditable). If your goals include boosting conversion rates, consider including customer testimonial videos on your website or social media networks.

Step-By-Step Tutorial Videos

According to a study by the Social Science Research Network. 65% of adults are visual learners, meaning that they “need to see what they are learning” and they “have difficulty following oral lectures”. Video-based tutorials allow your audience to both see and hear your instructions, and review the information whenever they need a refresher.

Tutorial videos can be created using any combination of animation, still-shots, voice-overs and demonstrations, providing an easily-digestible, user-friendly alternative to complex text-based training manuals, product instructions and guides.

Screen Capture Videos

Looking for an effective way to teach your clients, employees or prospects how to use software, an app or other computer-based tool?

Screen capture videos make it easy to quickly demonstrate the features of any digital interface by pairing still shots of the screen with voice-over and/or text-based descriptions, providing a clear, click-by-click walk-through of your digital interface.

Ready to learn more about corporate videos, and how you can use video to improve communication in your organisation? Drop us a line today – we’d love to chat.


Tell us about your video

Leave your details below and one of our friendly producers will be in touch to answer any questions and get started on a brief.

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We know commissioning video can feel like risky business so we've got a deal for you. Here it is ...If you don’t like what we produce, we’ll do it again… for free! We can’t be fairer than that.